How will the setting know if my child needs extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
At Nutkins we do ongoing observational assessments of all children in our care. These are linked to the development matters ages and stages of development, which can help us identify individual needs of the children. These observations will be discussed with the setting SENCO and Manager.
We operate a Key persons system at Nutkins, with each child having a Key Person. Their role is to develop trusting, sensitive relationships with parents and children to enable respectful sharing of information. If you have any concerns about your child’s development you can ask for time to discuss this in private with them. If your child’s key person has identified a possible individual need they will discuss the matter with you in private and plan together to support your child’s learning and development.
Our trained SENcos can offer advice and support to the key person. The SENco will liaise with other professionals to seek advice and support in identifying individual needs if necessary. Support and advice from the Group SENco and Area SENco can be sought with parents’ permission.
Reports from health care professionals such as health visitors, speech and language therapists identify children’s individual needs. The setting welcomes parents and professionals sharing these reports with them in order to plan appropriately to meet individual needs.
How does the setting evaluate the effectiveness of its provision for my child ?
The key person and other staff in the room your child is based will get to know the child through meeting the parents during their initial settling visit to nursery. Communication is key between parents and staff to support the child’s care and wellbeing.
The key person will regularly liaise with the parents. During the initial meetings between parents and the key person the parents will be asked to fill in all about me form and family trees. If the children are older parents can discuss the questions or encourage them to draw pictures.
An on-going observational assessment is used to establish a starting point. The key person will observe the child in the first few weeks of them settling into nursery and complete a summery sheet based on their observations. These will be clearly marked as starting points as these summary sheets are used at several points during the child’s learning journey. The summary sheets are linked to the EYFS ages and stages of development. Activities, experiences, routine resources and provision are planned for the individual.
How will I know how my child is developing?
There will be opportunity for planned time to establish relationships between parents, child and Key person on entry to the setting. We have in place an assessment system for all children such as ongoing observational assessments, two year old progress checks and on tracks which are completed every half term. Each method of observation and assessment is linked to the EYFs (Early Years Foundation stage ) ages and stages of development. Each child also has a learning journey file which is accessible to parents on request.
On a twice-yearly basis we hold parents meetings which allow parents/ carers to come and talk with their child’s key person. We also have a SENco available to talk to if required.
The setting has an ‘open door’ policy and encourages practitioners to develop strong liaisons with parents/carers at drop off and pick-ups as they are key to building parent partnerships and to help progress children’s development. Telephone calls can be used to communicate with parents during the day if the parent prefers.
We have recently introduced WOW boards which are designed so that children can share those ‘wow’ movements, achievements that happen when they are not at nursery, so that as practitioners we can build the whole picture of development and to build on those home to nursery transitions. It is also a great way to develop the children’s self-esteem.
How will Nutkins staff support my child?
On induction to the setting the SENco, leader or key person and parents share information about the strengths and needs of the child. The parents will have the opportunity to accompany their child on a visit to help settle them and develop a relationship with the key person. The child will always be at the heart of all we do. We work with the parents and support the child together.
Observations, listening, assessments, evaluations all contribute to Individual Education Plans (IEPs). We will listen to you as well as your child. Our SENco will explain how children’s individual needs can be met by planning support using an IEP and the advice from Area SENco. She will also explain who may become involved in your child’s development and their role. The key person will work with the SENco to oversee the IEP targets for your child. The Key person will be in session with the child, if not then the SENco would be present. They will identify individual needs and plan next steps, accessing additional support from others where necessary (e.g. Speech and Language Therapist, SALT or applications for additional funding, IEPs will be reviewed with parents.
The key person’s role will foster relationships with and understand the individual children. SENco will maintain an overview of experiences and progress. She will also work with other practitioners to ensure provision is relevant / appropriate and seek support when needed.
How is the decision made about how much support my child will receive?
Decisions made about how much support a child will receive is monitored through observations made by the key person of the child in the setting and then discussed with parents, SENco and Manager. Observational assessment linked to the EYFS and knowledge of child development will be used to identify what support is required. Extra support will be put in place if necessary with the aim of enabling the child to become independent within the environment. On-going partnership working with parents by the setting and other professionals involved with the child/family will support the decision making process. The SENco will advise on the process of applying for extra support. The inclusion funding process will identify the level of need based on the evidence submitted to the panel from the setting and other professionals working with the child/family. Reports from health care professionals or others working with the child and family will be used to plan support within the setting. The area SENco or the Early Years Advisory Teacher or other professionals working with the setting SENco will support the decision making process linked to planned targets on the ILPP. The ILPP will be written with parents and will include how parents can support their child at home. Staff meetings within the setting will ensure all staff working with the child knows the child’s need and how to support them.
How will my child be included in experiences away from setting?
All activities will be planned around all children’s individual needs and abilities. Risk assessments are carried out beforehand to ensure it is accessible for all to access. Policies are shared with parents on admission to reassure them that we are inclusive.
What support will there be for my child’s physical and emotional wellbeing?
The staff approach is inclusive, positive and welcoming to all. On entry to the setting we provide parents with admissions policy, Safeguarding policy, SEND code of practice. My Unique Child forms are given to parents to complete to help practitioners meet the individual needs of the children. Policies are shared with all staff and parents.
We provide a flexible approach to routine and environment which are based around the needs of the children. Open, transparent communication is encouraged from the start. Adults act as good role models for positive behaviour and a continual positive approach to behaviour management is maintained. The key person builds relationships with child and family and they provide personal care respectfully to all children. The staff are trained to administer medicine.
During the daily routine visual time tables are used to support children in understanding routine. Older children are supported to manage their own personal care and manage risks for themselves. Resources are accessible to the children for independent choice. There are sensitive, warm interactions between adults and children. The Group and Area SENco will support the SENco and key person.
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the setting?
All staff have accessed child development training and have experience of working with children within the Early Years age range. The child / family can access a number of services available in the locality linked to the child’s identified needs these would be primary through the health care service and include:
Child development centre, Physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech and language therapist, Early Support Service, Early Support Key workers, Early Years Advisory Teacher (EYAT). The setting has good links with the local children centre and staff sign post parents to support available.
Within the setting there is a trained SENco who attends termly network meetings to keep up to date. We also have a “Group SENco who is able to support each individual setting SENco. There is also the local authority Area SENco who is available to support the setting SENco. With parent’s permission advice can be sought from the Early Years Advisory Teacher. If the child’s needs are identified as a specific need then the team with the expertise in this area will take up the support for the child and the setting in meeting the child’s needs, for example the physical sensory medical team.
How accessible is the setting environment?
Signs, poster and pictures with notes are used around the setting. Accessible building and toilet/changing facilities are available. Limitation of the building can be explained. All policies and procedures are current and reviewed regularly. We provide multi-sensory experiences as part of our core provision. We provide sensory play equipment and use visual aids. We seek advice and support from the area SENco. We use Makaton.
How will you help me to support my child’s learning?
Within the setting there are communication systems in place, for example; home/setting books, parent meetings, daily conversations with the parents when they collect / bring their child to nursery, newsletters with invoices and via the website. As a setting we can agree a comfortable form of communication with the parents including verbal, written, email or text. We invite parents to share their knowledge with the staff about their child’s ‘wow’ moments which are displayed for others to see in their own rooms. This allows the children to share their achievements with their friends and develop a sense of self-esteem. Children’s learning journeys and planned next steps in learning are shared with parents at their request and at parent’s evenings. The setting SENco and key person will discuss with you how to support your child’s needs outside the setting and how they are supporting your child’s learning and development within the setting. This will occur at parent’s meetings and or IEP reviews. If your child has particular identified needs the setting will work in partnership with the team supporting your child and explain to parents how they are acting on the advice from the support of the professionals. Inclusion funding and Two year old funding can be applied for to support the child being included in the setting. Delegated budget will be used to provide additional resources or to adapt existing resources.
How will I be involved in discussions about and planning for my child’s education?
Parents are involved from the initial visits at nursery when they register their child at the setting. The child’s strengths, need, like and dislikes are discussed at this point. Parents are encouraged to share information with members of staff from the on-set and on an ongoing basis about individual needs of their child and any agencies involved with the child/ family. Parent’s knowledge of their child is important and partnership working is sought at every point including Individual Learning Plans (IEPs) and reviews. Each child´s learning journey is accessible to parents on request. Planning is visibly displayed in each room for parents to view if they wish.
How will the setting prepare and support my child to join the setting, transfer to a new setting or the next stage of education and life?
Joining the Setting
When joining Nutkins each child is assigned a key person and their role will be explained. The Key person will form a relationship of trust and support with the parent and the child during these sessions and will ask for care plans and “My Unique Child” forms to be completed with questions which will help the practitioners identify the children’s needs, interests and to discuss if any agencies are involved in the child’s development.
If required staff will attend training related to a child’s needs before they attend the setting. Meeting with the Health care professionals will help the child’s transition into the setting. Ensuring any relevant documentation is shared in the setting if necessary. Parents and key person should agree a consistent approach to ensure continuity of care from home to setting.
Transition to school or next setting.
If a child is transitioning to school or moving on to a new setting, the child’s key person and SENco are invited to observe the child and discuss the child’s strengths and needs, together with the parent/carers, new teachers and any other professional’s, this is called a PCP – Person Centered Planning meeting. The Key person and SENco can attend meetings and share targets on IEPs and minutes of review meetings.
When a child is transitioning their views and feelings can be shared through photographs reflecting what they have done, achieved and enjoyed. Learning journeys, ILPPs, on track assessments and other relevant documents are passed on to the receiving setting. Photo books can be created of the new setting /school that the child can share with parents / key person on a regular basis before the move. The use of role play with school uniform, books and lunch time practise is a good way to help a child become familiar with new routines.
What are the responsibilities of the setting owners in enabling and supporting inclusive practice? How are Complaints treated?
The settings owners are responsible for enabling leadership within the setting to create inclusive policies, ensuring those policies are in place and up to date. To ensure that there is sufficient staff to enable staff to attend training to keep knowledge and understanding up to date. In addition they ensure that the open door policy creates an ethos that respects and welcomes all. They ensure that the environment is inclusive with resources that reflect diversity positively and encourage information sharing with relevant agencies. It is also their responsibility to manage finances and ensure that delegated Budget and Inclusion funding is used to promote inclusion. The setting SENco has completed the New to SENco training. We also have a member of staff who is there for support in the absence of the SENco who has also attended SENco training. The SENco or SENco support attends termly SENco meetings to keep their knowledge and understanding up to date. The information at these meetings is then cascaded to other staff through room meetings. Further courses such as behaviour training, equality, diversity and inclusion training, communication and language training have been attended by other staff members. Some staff members have attended training linked to specific needs.
Should you have any complaints about any aspect of the SEN provision or setting please direct these in the first instance to the setting Manager, if you do not feel that your complaint has not been actioned it can be referred to the Owner or Ofsted.
Who can I contact for further information?
The first point of contact within the setting is your child’s key person. The parents can identify the SENco from the photograph on the notice board situated in the hall. The settings SENco, Manager or Group SENco will also be able to offer advice and will be able to signpost parents to other professionals that may be able to help such as the health visitor, children centre staff, the inclusion officer and Speech and Language Therapist (SALT). The setting has a named practitioner for behaviour management and can also access support for parents from the Area SENco and the Early Years Consultant with parental permission.
If your child has a Special Educational Need and you would like to know more about how we could support them please contact us.
At Nutkins we do ongoing observational assessments of all children in our care. These are linked to the development matters ages and stages of development, which can help us identify individual needs of the children. These observations will be discussed with the setting SENCO and Manager.
We operate a Key persons system at Nutkins, with each child having a Key Person. Their role is to develop trusting, sensitive relationships with parents and children to enable respectful sharing of information. If you have any concerns about your child’s development you can ask for time to discuss this in private with them. If your child’s key person has identified a possible individual need they will discuss the matter with you in private and plan together to support your child’s learning and development.
Our trained SENcos can offer advice and support to the key person. The SENco will liaise with other professionals to seek advice and support in identifying individual needs if necessary. Support and advice from the Group SENco and Area SENco can be sought with parents’ permission.
Reports from health care professionals such as health visitors, speech and language therapists identify children’s individual needs. The setting welcomes parents and professionals sharing these reports with them in order to plan appropriately to meet individual needs.
How does the setting evaluate the effectiveness of its provision for my child ?
The key person and other staff in the room your child is based will get to know the child through meeting the parents during their initial settling visit to nursery. Communication is key between parents and staff to support the child’s care and wellbeing.
The key person will regularly liaise with the parents. During the initial meetings between parents and the key person the parents will be asked to fill in all about me form and family trees. If the children are older parents can discuss the questions or encourage them to draw pictures.
An on-going observational assessment is used to establish a starting point. The key person will observe the child in the first few weeks of them settling into nursery and complete a summery sheet based on their observations. These will be clearly marked as starting points as these summary sheets are used at several points during the child’s learning journey. The summary sheets are linked to the EYFS ages and stages of development. Activities, experiences, routine resources and provision are planned for the individual.
How will I know how my child is developing?
There will be opportunity for planned time to establish relationships between parents, child and Key person on entry to the setting. We have in place an assessment system for all children such as ongoing observational assessments, two year old progress checks and on tracks which are completed every half term. Each method of observation and assessment is linked to the EYFs (Early Years Foundation stage ) ages and stages of development. Each child also has a learning journey file which is accessible to parents on request.
On a twice-yearly basis we hold parents meetings which allow parents/ carers to come and talk with their child’s key person. We also have a SENco available to talk to if required.
The setting has an ‘open door’ policy and encourages practitioners to develop strong liaisons with parents/carers at drop off and pick-ups as they are key to building parent partnerships and to help progress children’s development. Telephone calls can be used to communicate with parents during the day if the parent prefers.
We have recently introduced WOW boards which are designed so that children can share those ‘wow’ movements, achievements that happen when they are not at nursery, so that as practitioners we can build the whole picture of development and to build on those home to nursery transitions. It is also a great way to develop the children’s self-esteem.
How will Nutkins staff support my child?
On induction to the setting the SENco, leader or key person and parents share information about the strengths and needs of the child. The parents will have the opportunity to accompany their child on a visit to help settle them and develop a relationship with the key person. The child will always be at the heart of all we do. We work with the parents and support the child together.
Observations, listening, assessments, evaluations all contribute to Individual Education Plans (IEPs). We will listen to you as well as your child. Our SENco will explain how children’s individual needs can be met by planning support using an IEP and the advice from Area SENco. She will also explain who may become involved in your child’s development and their role. The key person will work with the SENco to oversee the IEP targets for your child. The Key person will be in session with the child, if not then the SENco would be present. They will identify individual needs and plan next steps, accessing additional support from others where necessary (e.g. Speech and Language Therapist, SALT or applications for additional funding, IEPs will be reviewed with parents.
The key person’s role will foster relationships with and understand the individual children. SENco will maintain an overview of experiences and progress. She will also work with other practitioners to ensure provision is relevant / appropriate and seek support when needed.
How is the decision made about how much support my child will receive?
Decisions made about how much support a child will receive is monitored through observations made by the key person of the child in the setting and then discussed with parents, SENco and Manager. Observational assessment linked to the EYFS and knowledge of child development will be used to identify what support is required. Extra support will be put in place if necessary with the aim of enabling the child to become independent within the environment. On-going partnership working with parents by the setting and other professionals involved with the child/family will support the decision making process. The SENco will advise on the process of applying for extra support. The inclusion funding process will identify the level of need based on the evidence submitted to the panel from the setting and other professionals working with the child/family. Reports from health care professionals or others working with the child and family will be used to plan support within the setting. The area SENco or the Early Years Advisory Teacher or other professionals working with the setting SENco will support the decision making process linked to planned targets on the ILPP. The ILPP will be written with parents and will include how parents can support their child at home. Staff meetings within the setting will ensure all staff working with the child knows the child’s need and how to support them.
How will my child be included in experiences away from setting?
All activities will be planned around all children’s individual needs and abilities. Risk assessments are carried out beforehand to ensure it is accessible for all to access. Policies are shared with parents on admission to reassure them that we are inclusive.
What support will there be for my child’s physical and emotional wellbeing?
The staff approach is inclusive, positive and welcoming to all. On entry to the setting we provide parents with admissions policy, Safeguarding policy, SEND code of practice. My Unique Child forms are given to parents to complete to help practitioners meet the individual needs of the children. Policies are shared with all staff and parents.
We provide a flexible approach to routine and environment which are based around the needs of the children. Open, transparent communication is encouraged from the start. Adults act as good role models for positive behaviour and a continual positive approach to behaviour management is maintained. The key person builds relationships with child and family and they provide personal care respectfully to all children. The staff are trained to administer medicine.
During the daily routine visual time tables are used to support children in understanding routine. Older children are supported to manage their own personal care and manage risks for themselves. Resources are accessible to the children for independent choice. There are sensitive, warm interactions between adults and children. The Group and Area SENco will support the SENco and key person.
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the setting?
All staff have accessed child development training and have experience of working with children within the Early Years age range. The child / family can access a number of services available in the locality linked to the child’s identified needs these would be primary through the health care service and include:
Child development centre, Physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech and language therapist, Early Support Service, Early Support Key workers, Early Years Advisory Teacher (EYAT). The setting has good links with the local children centre and staff sign post parents to support available.
Within the setting there is a trained SENco who attends termly network meetings to keep up to date. We also have a “Group SENco who is able to support each individual setting SENco. There is also the local authority Area SENco who is available to support the setting SENco. With parent’s permission advice can be sought from the Early Years Advisory Teacher. If the child’s needs are identified as a specific need then the team with the expertise in this area will take up the support for the child and the setting in meeting the child’s needs, for example the physical sensory medical team.
How accessible is the setting environment?
Signs, poster and pictures with notes are used around the setting. Accessible building and toilet/changing facilities are available. Limitation of the building can be explained. All policies and procedures are current and reviewed regularly. We provide multi-sensory experiences as part of our core provision. We provide sensory play equipment and use visual aids. We seek advice and support from the area SENco. We use Makaton.
How will you help me to support my child’s learning?
Within the setting there are communication systems in place, for example; home/setting books, parent meetings, daily conversations with the parents when they collect / bring their child to nursery, newsletters with invoices and via the website. As a setting we can agree a comfortable form of communication with the parents including verbal, written, email or text. We invite parents to share their knowledge with the staff about their child’s ‘wow’ moments which are displayed for others to see in their own rooms. This allows the children to share their achievements with their friends and develop a sense of self-esteem. Children’s learning journeys and planned next steps in learning are shared with parents at their request and at parent’s evenings. The setting SENco and key person will discuss with you how to support your child’s needs outside the setting and how they are supporting your child’s learning and development within the setting. This will occur at parent’s meetings and or IEP reviews. If your child has particular identified needs the setting will work in partnership with the team supporting your child and explain to parents how they are acting on the advice from the support of the professionals. Inclusion funding and Two year old funding can be applied for to support the child being included in the setting. Delegated budget will be used to provide additional resources or to adapt existing resources.
How will I be involved in discussions about and planning for my child’s education?
Parents are involved from the initial visits at nursery when they register their child at the setting. The child’s strengths, need, like and dislikes are discussed at this point. Parents are encouraged to share information with members of staff from the on-set and on an ongoing basis about individual needs of their child and any agencies involved with the child/ family. Parent’s knowledge of their child is important and partnership working is sought at every point including Individual Learning Plans (IEPs) and reviews. Each child´s learning journey is accessible to parents on request. Planning is visibly displayed in each room for parents to view if they wish.
How will the setting prepare and support my child to join the setting, transfer to a new setting or the next stage of education and life?
Joining the Setting
When joining Nutkins each child is assigned a key person and their role will be explained. The Key person will form a relationship of trust and support with the parent and the child during these sessions and will ask for care plans and “My Unique Child” forms to be completed with questions which will help the practitioners identify the children’s needs, interests and to discuss if any agencies are involved in the child’s development.
If required staff will attend training related to a child’s needs before they attend the setting. Meeting with the Health care professionals will help the child’s transition into the setting. Ensuring any relevant documentation is shared in the setting if necessary. Parents and key person should agree a consistent approach to ensure continuity of care from home to setting.
Transition to school or next setting.
If a child is transitioning to school or moving on to a new setting, the child’s key person and SENco are invited to observe the child and discuss the child’s strengths and needs, together with the parent/carers, new teachers and any other professional’s, this is called a PCP – Person Centered Planning meeting. The Key person and SENco can attend meetings and share targets on IEPs and minutes of review meetings.
When a child is transitioning their views and feelings can be shared through photographs reflecting what they have done, achieved and enjoyed. Learning journeys, ILPPs, on track assessments and other relevant documents are passed on to the receiving setting. Photo books can be created of the new setting /school that the child can share with parents / key person on a regular basis before the move. The use of role play with school uniform, books and lunch time practise is a good way to help a child become familiar with new routines.
What are the responsibilities of the setting owners in enabling and supporting inclusive practice? How are Complaints treated?
The settings owners are responsible for enabling leadership within the setting to create inclusive policies, ensuring those policies are in place and up to date. To ensure that there is sufficient staff to enable staff to attend training to keep knowledge and understanding up to date. In addition they ensure that the open door policy creates an ethos that respects and welcomes all. They ensure that the environment is inclusive with resources that reflect diversity positively and encourage information sharing with relevant agencies. It is also their responsibility to manage finances and ensure that delegated Budget and Inclusion funding is used to promote inclusion. The setting SENco has completed the New to SENco training. We also have a member of staff who is there for support in the absence of the SENco who has also attended SENco training. The SENco or SENco support attends termly SENco meetings to keep their knowledge and understanding up to date. The information at these meetings is then cascaded to other staff through room meetings. Further courses such as behaviour training, equality, diversity and inclusion training, communication and language training have been attended by other staff members. Some staff members have attended training linked to specific needs.
Should you have any complaints about any aspect of the SEN provision or setting please direct these in the first instance to the setting Manager, if you do not feel that your complaint has not been actioned it can be referred to the Owner or Ofsted.
Who can I contact for further information?
The first point of contact within the setting is your child’s key person. The parents can identify the SENco from the photograph on the notice board situated in the hall. The settings SENco, Manager or Group SENco will also be able to offer advice and will be able to signpost parents to other professionals that may be able to help such as the health visitor, children centre staff, the inclusion officer and Speech and Language Therapist (SALT). The setting has a named practitioner for behaviour management and can also access support for parents from the Area SENco and the Early Years Consultant with parental permission.
If your child has a Special Educational Need and you would like to know more about how we could support them please contact us.